söndag 20 februari 2011

Deco picture-spam

 What's been done in the last couple of weeks:


Round cardboardbox, painted and decorated

For some reason alot of the pictures came out all fuzzy and foggy. .___.

Heartshaped cardboardbox, also painted and decorated.

This one's painted in a slightly darker shade of pink.

Closeup on the lace. It's so pretty, has to buy moar. o 3o

// Grim

fredag 18 februari 2011


I'm gonna show off all the stuff I bought in Stockholm but first, here are the pearls I mentioned in an earlier post:

The ones on the left look like candies~ * 3*.

Moving on to the stuff I bought!

Doilies! I've searched for small ones to use when taking pictures of my deco-stuff for a while so I was all excited when I found these! They're so cute and there are so many of each I can totally throw them away after every use (not that I will but I COULD :'D ).

I also found these cute boxes to decorate. The rhinestones were so pretty and shiny I just couldn't resist them. And the reason why some are missing from the chart is:

TADA! Went a little crazy with my headphones. I hope they'll stay on even though I didn't use any glue save the self adhesive that was on them. Also the headphones are purple and not blueish as the picture makes them out to be.

Found some supercute foam/rubber donuts at a store with lots of fancy children's toys. The woman at the counter told us that they were scented but the only scents we could detect was rubber and glue. = 3=

They were having a sale on my favorite cupcake-shaped jars! Sadly there was only one of the available ones I didn't own already. The plastic sweets were on sale aswell so I got a bunch of them. They're the perfect size to put on your phone or on jewelery. 

I had to get this carrying bag aswell. Just look at that pattern! All of my cute stuff is so going to travel in that one.

I'm such a weeaboo. I can't resist these things! My friend showed me this japanese store and they had so many different sweets it was hard to choose. I finally decided on these. Flower candies at the top left, koala bisquits on top right (chocolate and strawberry flavors, the chocolate ones are already gone... >>>: ), and closest to the camera are some cute food and fruit stickers and pocky with banana and chocolate-flavor.

We also went to this awesome chinese restaurant and had the lunch buffé. Mine mainly consisted of sushi and fried shrimp. I could seriously live off of that alone. We were munching for over an hour at that place, we're such fatties. = w=;;;;

// Grim

måndag 14 februari 2011

Overlord II

Oh codemasters, why do you tease me so?
Yeah, so the second game of overlording offers a great deal of comedy, malice and brutalness. And pandas.

Too bad all of the fun parts got overshaded by how poorly made the rest of the game was. Seriously. If they had atleast put some more effort in making the graphics awesome (or even acceptable) and fix the controls than spewing the game out as fast as possible I might not have felt so forced to play it through. Because it quickly went from playing for fun to playing just to clear the game. I enjoyed the first Overlord but I think one was seeing past the poor graphics (funny thing is the graphics were better in the first... ) and wonky controls since it was quite an early game for the next gens (two years after 360 and the PS3). Big question is, why didn't they fix it the second time around?

Pretty good summary of the game:


// Grim


And so, nothing happened. I never had time or will to sit down and finish that third box last week but I'll make it today. I've got an idea for a small photoframe aswell and I got some cutesy pearls delivered last week and they will look awesome! Got a jar full of small chubby stars in every bright color there is! LOVE THEM! D:

I'm leaving for Stockholm tomorrow to take some time off from work and everything around it. I so need it. Gonna hang out with one awesome poptart of a friend. <<<: EXCITED!

I'm thinking about making a whole new blog completely in english. The categories on this one are totally fail since they're in swedish. :'3 I've also started thinking about how I will go about selling and make my stuff noticed. I really need to get that going, running out of space to keep things here! CROWDED!

Also, I want to move. Badly. Not so much from the area (it's awesome having the grocery store next door) but for the apartment. Ours is friggin shaggy. The wallpapers are starting to come loose, the floors are damaged and bleached and there is practiacally no isolation whatsoever. They haven't fixed anything for a good 20 years which is why we pay a much cheaper rent. But now I can totally go for paying for something awesome instead of something "meh, it'll do".


// Grim

måndag 7 februari 2011


Naah, never. I was working the whole weekend again (can't say no now that I've got the employment service nibbling at my heels) so not much time to craft. I did get two of the three boxes done but now Shin brought the big camera with him to England so I can't take pictures of them. <.< Maybe I'll upload them anyway with my Iphonecamera, we'll see.

// Grim

onsdag 2 februari 2011

o 3o

Haha, I was going to do lots of deco this weekend but work told me otherwise. I went from having 6h of work to 16h, working between 15.00 on Saturday to 07.00 on Sunday. Then I did another night Sunday-Monday. Totally dead after that. Now I was going to start on some new boxes but apparently the glue we had disappeared. Frack. >:

So not much right now. Later this week maybe.
