måndag 2 maj 2011


There! Just finished adding alot of pictures and descriptions to http://sweetdelightshop.blogspot.com/. Some of the pictures are of new stuff that I never put up here so go have a look! Even if you don't understand swedish you can look at the pretty pictures!

I haven't put up a shopping guide yet cause I wanted to see how the posts would be built. Also there are no prices on the things either but it's coming with the guide! I'll see to it tomorrow if there's time. Got laundry and papers to hand in and an apartment that need a good ol' cleaning. Also I'm working three nightshifts in a row starting tomorrow. Phew! As much as I like working nighttime I'm not to fond of being a zombie the coming weekend. I also promised to be the designated driver at a cruising on saturday so I better shape up by then!

But now I'm gonna reward myself with a movie and some snacking!

// Grim

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