tisdag 29 mars 2011


It's kinda done. You can view it from my profile. It will be in swedish tho since I'm gonna concentrate on selling kinda locally for starters but, like I mentioned, I might do exceptions if asked. :)

Right now all that's done is the main design and the pages for viewing info. I will make categories of what it is (as in, macaron, cupcake) and what it's used for (charm, rings, decoration). There will be lotslotslots of pictures and I need to retake quite a few to get the colors right and add some kind of measurement. I'm still indecisive about selling stuff with necklaces so I'll just add it as a note to people ordering that if they want a charm for a necklace or bracelet they'll have to state it in the order and I'll fix things up so they can be used as such..

Ramble ramble, boring ramble. I'll update this blog alongside the other with new stuff and progresspics. I also got a small collection of Nana-pictures that'll get uploaded... sometime. I really don't know. I'm working quite a bit and we're thinking of moving and I'm in aspringcleaningmode so I got alot of stuff on my hands just waiting to get done.

My head is empty now. Bai.

// Grim

måndag 21 mars 2011

Back omg

My back is killing meeeee. D: I made a bunch of striped macarons last night which killed it a bit but then I was called out for work today WHICH KILLED IT EVEN MORE. I also felt brave enough to take a superlong walk right after sooo... Yeah. Movienight it is. Coachpotato-mode is sooo goooood. = w=

// Grim

lördag 19 mars 2011

Deco pics

A small picture frame with goodies.

My chocolate iPhone-case all pimped out.

A couple of lids and magnets just to make use of the leftover silicone and some old decoparts I'm not too fond of anymore.

Not deco but still handmade! I made this darling when I got annoyed by having one of each controller for the consoles taking up space on the table. From left to right pocket: Xbox360, PS3 and Wii. One of each for the moment but I think I could fit two of them in the left and middle one. Don't mind our shabby couch.

Now to start designing something for the new blog~~

// Grim

tisdag 15 mars 2011

Todays harvest

// Grim

Tired but inspired

I'm reallyreally tired. I probably need some blutsaft (a mixture of veggies and fruit) to get some vitamins. It gets like this a couple of times a year; I'm always tired and I get headaches all the time. Usually all I need is a good vitamin and iron-boost since my bloodvalues are shit to start with. :'3 Also I'm really bad at eating fruit and vegetables as is so this is the easier way out... :B

I went shopping this weekend and got alot of interior-stuff. A new mirror for the hallway and new, smaller laundrybaskets which makes it easier for us when laundryday comes knocking since there's three of them marked with different pictures so they're already sorted out when they're thrown in. It's awesome I tell ya!

I also got a note from my dad that he's able to rent the train for his car so I might be able to get a workspace, finally! I want one of these:

It would work so well since I don't have to finish stuff when I can just close the lid on it to keep everything safe from the kitties. I want it now. D:

Anyschmoo, gonna try to make some new deco today (as long as I don't get called out for work) and get some pictures up here. I also need to start choosing a blog for selling all the stuff already made...

OH! I might end up working at an amusement park this summer! :'DDD I would love to do something besides taking care of old people so I'm really excited that they wanted me to call them back for an audition. I hopehopeHOPE I made a good impression.

Until next post!

// Grim

fredag 11 mars 2011

Puella magi Madoka magica

Might just be the darkest magical girl-anime of all times. I seriously thought is was gonna be all about cute girls saving the world with love and pastels but I was really surprised when it took a turn early on. Not at all what I expected but it's really good. All these twists are making my head spin but in a good way. I hope it doesn't go unnoticed by the masses.

I've watched the 10 episodes released and await every new one with great anticipation. According to the web there will only be 12 episodes but that's good since I usually get bored if it's much longer than the regular 12-24 episodes. I've watched like, two or three animes longer than that but they usually stop at 52 episodes and those are necessary to build up a good story to the end. Not like the mainstream series with 300+ episodes where half of them are pointless, fanservice or battles that stretch over three episodes before they're finished. Ah, I love when I find these specks of gold in the ocean of crap~~

// Grim

tisdag 8 mars 2011

Day full of stuff

Shin decided to stay at home tonight so were gonna eat semlor and watch a movie while playing with our respective stuff. I finished most of the things on the list, the stuff left is mostly the things I can't finish without leaving the apartment so they'll have to wait until tomorrow.

In other news, I've got this song stuck on repeat in my head:

Goshdarnit, it's so catchy. D:

// Grim

Lazy doesn't even describe it!!!

Not really. I'm not that lazy, just unmotivated to do anything. I've got all these ideas I wanna try out for the deco, I've got a bunch of games to play (trying to keep a pace of two at a time for now), I have to do alot of jobapplications (preferably two, for tomorrows' job-event-thingy and for leaving at random stores) and I want to take a walk in the great weather. I'm gonna make some kind of schedule right here and now! Most important stuff at the top ofcoss.

Apply for job at the local industry. DONE

Make a general application. DONE

Make an application for stores. (I'll do this later this week since I've been booked for work which means I can't go around applying for anything just yet)

Call some places and ask about money for being sick. DONE

Mail that place I worked for and ask about the mile-coverage. (I'll wait and see instead)

Take an awesome walk! (IT WAS FRIKKING WINDY OUT DAMNIT. Barely made it from the grocery store)

Buy paint for trying out new way to 'bake' cookies (might do this tomorrow as I'm booked for going out anyway).

Reorganize the deco-stuff (got new boxes to fill with cute goodness!).

Start on the store-blog (like THAT will ever happen...).

Make deco and play videogames (might later tonight if Shin's off to play Warhammer).

I need to write these things down since my mind wont accept focusing on one thing at a time. Atleast now I know what I have to do. Starting with the boring stuff, grarrlllb....

// Grim

onsdag 2 mars 2011


I'm gonna keep this really short since I'm so late on playing this through.

Loved the concept and freeroaming. Hated when I had to rely on really worthless combatcommands in situations where the large devastator-attack wouldn't help me since you had to keep one vehicle out of 10 intact. Also they should have made it easier to heal when there's no way in hell you're gonna be left alone while you have to consume 10+ people in succession (if you could find them in the midst of battle).

Overall I liked it but that was mostly due to the awesome design of the monsters and powers and how you could climb just about everything. The missions were shit, like Ivan from Iron Man 2 would say.

And to conclude I'm gonna choose my side even if it's years too late. Prototype or inFAMOUS? inFAMOUS, no doubt.

// Grim

Darn it all!!!

Hi-hi bloggykins!

I'm so disoriented that I logged out of my profile twice before actually writing this. My stomach is acting up aswell so I'm really worried I might've caught the stomach flu at work. ): All except two or three of the oldies had been vomiting and shitting all over the place since the weekend so I was reallyreallyreally not looking forward to working there yesterday. The things you do for cash...

... and now I closed down the window I was writing in. I shouldn't bother writing anything in this condition. = 3=

Anyhow, I've looked up a couple of things for selling stuff while I'm still getting a (very low) allowance from whatever-it's-called and so far I I''ve found out that I can sell my stuff as long as what I make isn't higher than what I get from them. So far so good. I'll probably start out by selling to Sweden only at first but if someone from another country wants something I could always make exceptions.

Right now however I'm just gonna lay back, play on my DS and keep hoping that I wont vomit. I told Shin last night that it's been so long since I last puked so I've probably forgotten how to. :'3 I'm also too stubborn so I'll probably keep it down anyway.
