tisdag 29 mars 2011


It's kinda done. You can view it from my profile. It will be in swedish tho since I'm gonna concentrate on selling kinda locally for starters but, like I mentioned, I might do exceptions if asked. :)

Right now all that's done is the main design and the pages for viewing info. I will make categories of what it is (as in, macaron, cupcake) and what it's used for (charm, rings, decoration). There will be lotslotslots of pictures and I need to retake quite a few to get the colors right and add some kind of measurement. I'm still indecisive about selling stuff with necklaces so I'll just add it as a note to people ordering that if they want a charm for a necklace or bracelet they'll have to state it in the order and I'll fix things up so they can be used as such..

Ramble ramble, boring ramble. I'll update this blog alongside the other with new stuff and progresspics. I also got a small collection of Nana-pictures that'll get uploaded... sometime. I really don't know. I'm working quite a bit and we're thinking of moving and I'm in aspringcleaningmode so I got alot of stuff on my hands just waiting to get done.

My head is empty now. Bai.

// Grim

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