tisdag 8 mars 2011

Lazy doesn't even describe it!!!

Not really. I'm not that lazy, just unmotivated to do anything. I've got all these ideas I wanna try out for the deco, I've got a bunch of games to play (trying to keep a pace of two at a time for now), I have to do alot of jobapplications (preferably two, for tomorrows' job-event-thingy and for leaving at random stores) and I want to take a walk in the great weather. I'm gonna make some kind of schedule right here and now! Most important stuff at the top ofcoss.

Apply for job at the local industry. DONE

Make a general application. DONE

Make an application for stores. (I'll do this later this week since I've been booked for work which means I can't go around applying for anything just yet)

Call some places and ask about money for being sick. DONE

Mail that place I worked for and ask about the mile-coverage. (I'll wait and see instead)

Take an awesome walk! (IT WAS FRIKKING WINDY OUT DAMNIT. Barely made it from the grocery store)

Buy paint for trying out new way to 'bake' cookies (might do this tomorrow as I'm booked for going out anyway).

Reorganize the deco-stuff (got new boxes to fill with cute goodness!).

Start on the store-blog (like THAT will ever happen...).

Make deco and play videogames (might later tonight if Shin's off to play Warhammer).

I need to write these things down since my mind wont accept focusing on one thing at a time. Atleast now I know what I have to do. Starting with the boring stuff, grarrlllb....

// Grim

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