tisdag 15 november 2011

Nämen heeeej

Hallå Soppa, pappa är här... ; 3;

Vill du se honom? ; ~;

EEEEEH, var börja? Varning för mundiarré och annat kul.

Jag har för mycket att göra för mitt eget bästa och jag får inte jobba nånting för kommunen har lyckats slösa bort fyra miljoner ffffff. Iofs är det bra att jag inte jobbar, får tid till allt annat då men vill ha pengar. Ge mig nu.
Just nu har jag lite panik över mig nya handläggare på arbetsförmedlingen som oavkortat tar tag i allt på en gång vilket innebär att jag också måste göra det. My life no work that way. D;
Men i nuläget ska jag få tag i en SYO på CVl och kolla upp CNC-utbildning, kolla upp och få tag i en praktikplats till nästa fredag (allt för att få kassavana...), söka jobb helst också, höra av mig till de jag sökt hos (redan gjort HÖHÖHÖ) samt göra allt för att inte göra av med pengar eftersom det blir knapert till jul. HÖR NI DET?! KNAPERT!!!

Mitt ärr efter ögonlockoperationen kliar som en bitch och får inte ta stygnen förrän på torsdag så kan inte klia heller eftersom orolig för att slita upp det och annat trevligt.

OH! Jag ska skicka massmail till en drös butiker också i WECons syfte. Endast intresseanmälan än så länge då vi inte har en aning om vila möjligheter varje del av konventet har när det gäller utrymme.

SO THAT'S HAPPENING. Wish me luck, kommer antagligen dö nånstans.


// Grim

tisdag 27 september 2011



Här kommer ett inlägg med bilder direkt från mitt nya hobbyrum! Här kommer jag sitta och göra deco och annat mysigt som jag känner för. Nu fattas bara lite grejer som ska upp på väggarna~

Vad som kommer bli syhörnan. Än så länge är det avlastningsplats tills jag fått upp en eller två hyllor att lägga allt på.

Deco! Äntligen hittat en sekretär som inte var simpel och boring utan den har en fin bild på framsidan med en pappersrulle och två fjäderpennor! Super ifall jag vill avbryta ett arbete mitt i, bara att stänga luckan och slippa oroa sig för katterna.

Aeeej, vad är detta nu då? :D Färginspiration 2000!

Saker som blev klara förra veckan. Burkarna var på beställning och blev sålda så fort de var torra. <:

// Grim

söndag 31 juli 2011

My poor poor blog

Why is it that I can never keep any kind of diary going?

We're all moved in! I'll get some pics of the apartment up when I feel that our stuff has found their places.

My pony-madness is getting worse. Getting a lot of ponies off of the swedish eqvivalent to Ebay.

I think I'm gonna go back to bloggin in swedish again since it's a hassle trying to translate stuff that only works in swedish. o 3o Sry international people (if you'restill following this xD) but atleast you can look at the pretty pictures and stuff right? RIGHT?! D:

I'll try to get into bloggin again, promise!

// Grim

torsdag 16 juni 2011


With a fruity theme!

My 3DS with some pimpin' fruityness! The kiwi, bananaslices and standing strawberries are all made completely by hand!


fredag 10 juni 2011

So much to do and so little energy...

I can't stand this heatwave! I can't handle heat at all when it comes down to it. A couple of days back I was hanging out in the sun for a few hours and when I came home I felt really ill! Body aching, no energy and head spinning. everything above 25C is too hot. >:
Also, there's this pressure outside which gives me the worst headaches. I ca only get things done early in the morning and late in the evening, any other time is just impossible.

I woke up kinda early todady so I'll try to get things done before the heat swallows me again. Later we're gonna go to the mall and check on a couch for the new apartment. They're having a sale so a couch that was 15000SEK is now 8000SEK. It's a steal! I hope they have one left for us. ; w; Also gonna get Duke Nukem if they got any copies left. It looks awesome!

Still working hard!

// Grim

torsdag 2 juni 2011


I totally forgot I had a blog. ._____________.

Things are hectic around here because of the move and me working all the time (almost). Also I got a new interest which is:

PONIES DAMMIT. These are the ones I've owned as long as I can remember. It all started when I found a lonely, dirty, uncared-for pony at a fleamarket last weekend. I got the urge to restore it to it's former glory. It's so pretty now~~ And so, I wanted to do the same with my old ponies. So that's what I've been doing when I should be packing. Hehu.

I also made two new decoboxes and a couple of macaroons:

I love the jelly-colours! * 3* Too bad they probably wont make them anymore. Poo! The macaroons are so-so. Not too pleased with them.

It's too bad that the next WhateverCon wont happen before we move, I got alot to sell. Not just deco but alot of game/anime-related things, like dvds, posters, manga, figures etc that I have no reason to keep. Owell, I'll just cram it onto my parents during the move. c:

Sooo... There'll probably be some time between posts since there is alot left to be done around here. I'll try to update on the situation as often as I can but right now I got work for the whole weekend (thursday through sunday x nx) and so, not many hours of the day are left for blogging.

Hoping I wont fall down dead!

// Grim

söndag 15 maj 2011

Sweet Delight!

Äntligen har jag tagit mig i kragen och fixat det sista! Sweet Delight är officiellt open for business!

Sååå... Ge mig era pengar!!!


Translation: Shop is open woo~~~

// Grim

lördag 14 maj 2011


I'm a bad person. Filled with poo and other dirty things. Updates are even further apart when I have more time on my hands, whyyyyy? D:

What has happened since last time:

- I finished playing through Bulletstorm and Batman; Arkham Asylum. Both games are awesome go get them if you haven't already.
- I got smitten by all the Skelanimals available that I bought two deluxe plushies without hesitating and got a keychain-plush for free. Gotta catch 'em all, damnit. My moneeyyyy...
- I made a few decothings inbetween gaming and shopping.
- I was made responsible for contacting various sellers for Whatevercon04.
- I've started cleaning out and packing things for the upcoming move. Yes, we got the apartment we wanted! :D two  floors, here we come!
- I've been working a lot of nights which means I'm dead during daytime. I'm not complaining since it's too hot to go out anyways.
- The pokemon dreamworld is driving me nuts since it's still under construction and you can only send one pokemon at a time, wtf.

I think that's it. I probably did a lot more that I can't remember since I'm so bad at remembering stuff when needed. I'm good with numbers though.

Owell, the shopblog will be updated and working soon, promise! There were some things getting in the way and I didn't know how to write and whatnot.

I hope ya'll are more responsible than I am!

// Grim

måndag 2 maj 2011


There! Just finished adding alot of pictures and descriptions to http://sweetdelightshop.blogspot.com/. Some of the pictures are of new stuff that I never put up here so go have a look! Even if you don't understand swedish you can look at the pretty pictures!

I haven't put up a shopping guide yet cause I wanted to see how the posts would be built. Also there are no prices on the things either but it's coming with the guide! I'll see to it tomorrow if there's time. Got laundry and papers to hand in and an apartment that need a good ol' cleaning. Also I'm working three nightshifts in a row starting tomorrow. Phew! As much as I like working nighttime I'm not to fond of being a zombie the coming weekend. I also promised to be the designated driver at a cruising on saturday so I better shape up by then!

But now I'm gonna reward myself with a movie and some snacking!

// Grim

tisdag 26 april 2011

I used to want you dead but now I only want you gone~

Why hello there blog! It's been some time. Yup, it's because I don't love you anymore.

Blarrg, I've been doing tons of stuff but I never bother to write it down. So here's a huge post! With pictures!

First off, I got my glasses last week and it's awesome. No more headaches when spending time reading/computering/decoing! But I need to get them adjusted again and check if they're really right. My right eye still wont see as clearly as my left. :/ Anyway, here's one of the pairs!

I like 'em big~~~ Also, new haircut.

I've made some deco too, as mentioned. I did take a lot of pictures of all the finished deco to use for the shopblog as well.  Yes, I'm still working on that. Just... slowly. = 3= Oh look deco!

Got me some glass jars again since they were sorta popular when I was selling at the convention.

Heartshaped-box made of cardboard. I also started shading my cookies. Looking good? I got some stamps a while back which will be used to brand the stuff I make so you know who made it. :3

I probably forgot to post stuff I never showed but yeah.

I've started cleaning out some stuff that I'm gonna try to sell. Specifically mangas, most of them in swedish. I couldn't get ahold of any other manga at the time so I'e got a lot of them and some aren't even good. >: Silly lovestories and demons blagiha. Also, I'm gonna put a special edition Super Nintendo up for auction on tradera since I'm not interested in keeping it. We already got a working SNES and the box is taking up a lot of space. = 3=

OH! I got a new job for the summer! :D I got a spot at Sandvik, the industry I was talking about before, so I'm superexcited! I get to work with the production of the drill crowns they export to everywhere for drilling in mountains and mines. It will be awesome and I will do my very best to get a permanent job there. Here's hoping. :3 The crowns look like this:

What more... oh yeah, I just finished playing the storymode on Portal 2 (no I didn't skip updating because of it... Promise) and it was aaawesooome! If you're like me and just love puzzlegames with a plotline, go get it! I laughed loudly many times through this game, those AI's are real assholes. The plot was awesome and I can barely wait for Shin to play the co-op with me~~~

I think that's it. I'll try to get the shopblog done sometime this week unless work gets in the way (again). For now I'm gonna take a shower and then get some pics of the SNES-box (it's a Donkey Kong Country special ed, in case you're wondering) so I can make the auction  active. :3

Until next time!

// Grim

fredag 15 april 2011


Wooo, what a trip! My stomach is killing me and being all "Fuck you for not eating properly for three days!!!!" since I never had the chance to eat regularily when I was away. Tuesday we were on trains for about 3 hours and I only ate a hotdog before we left. Then we decided that there was no point in staying in central Stopckholm so we went to the place where Miyavi was going to play, Klubben. When we got there we went to a burger joint that supposedly was close-by but in reality was a couple of kilometres away so we jogged forth and back so we wouldn't miss the gig.

The gig was aaaawesome!!! As always with Miyavi it's jump-and-dance constantly so it's like a 3 hour workout. My feet and legs are still dead. After the show I was so proud of myself for finding my way back to the main station AND finding the right train to the next place by myself. c: I usually mess up and end up getting lost and calling eeryone for help.

Next day was the visit to the set of "Parlamentet" where we sat as audience. Sadly Krim, who was supposed to come to Stockholm and take me to it, fell ill during the night so we got her to send the tickets to us via MSN. All is well, we though, they've got a printer at the library. We went there and they're all "You have to use your librarycard to borrow a computer!!! If we could print it? NOOOO IT'S THE WRONG SYSTEMMMMM". Seriously, we needed 3 minutes witha computer to get it done and they were being asses.
So Papilliott called his aunt and we ran over to her to print. But her printer wasn't working so we spent a good 20 minutes trying to get it to work before I noticed that the USB-cable to the computer wasn't hooked to the printer so after that it was done in seconds. Now we had to run to the train to get to the set in time. On the  way there we noticed that all the text on the printed tickets were messed up so we were really worried that they wouldn't let us inside. When we finally got there we were sweating like mad since we were just in time and they luckily didn't look twice at the tickets. We probably look fabulous with sweat running and tousled hair so I hope they didn't film us all that much. We'll see tonight.

And of course, when I was on my way home yesterday I got lost. :'3 I can't go on a trip to Stockholm without getting lost atleast once. Tradition by now. My Iphone's GPS is a life saver.

I'm dead now. Got a whole apartment to clean and deco to make!

// Grim

måndag 11 april 2011


Omgomg, in the last two hours I've made plans spanning over three days. Tomorrow (decided around 20.30 today) I'm going to see Miyai in Stockholm. It'll be the second time for me and he's so awesome~~~ After that I'm going to sleep at Pappilliot's place and the day after I'm going to watch when they record one of swedens biggest comedy shows. And then we sleep again. And the day after I go home and later that evening Shin and I are going to see Magnus Betnér (swedish comedian) on homeground. Hoooly crap, I'm stressing out about nothing and it feels so good I don't even care about breaking this post into segments



// Grim

onsdag 6 april 2011

Lazy lazy... Also, glasses.

I'm in such a slump! My body wants to sleep all day long while I want to work on deco, get the blog done and apply  for jobs. I seriously sleep until 11 in the morning and I still feel like taking a nap around two. I'm such a zombie...

We're looking for a new apartment at the moment as well and it's really hard deciding on what we want. We were looking at a two floor house-thing but then I heard that many people living there moved out as quick as possible due to the outrageous rent. So now were looking at a different apartment, also two floors, which is more central and seems nicer. But the rent omg, so high. But atleast it's not a shifting one...

Also, glasses. I went and did a checkup on my eyesight and ohman, I need glasses bad, atleast when reading and working. +1.5 on my right eye while my left is all nice at 0. No wonder I get headaches all the time. <.<

Oh well, life goes on. I'll get something new posted soon!

// Grim

tisdag 29 mars 2011


It's kinda done. You can view it from my profile. It will be in swedish tho since I'm gonna concentrate on selling kinda locally for starters but, like I mentioned, I might do exceptions if asked. :)

Right now all that's done is the main design and the pages for viewing info. I will make categories of what it is (as in, macaron, cupcake) and what it's used for (charm, rings, decoration). There will be lotslotslots of pictures and I need to retake quite a few to get the colors right and add some kind of measurement. I'm still indecisive about selling stuff with necklaces so I'll just add it as a note to people ordering that if they want a charm for a necklace or bracelet they'll have to state it in the order and I'll fix things up so they can be used as such..

Ramble ramble, boring ramble. I'll update this blog alongside the other with new stuff and progresspics. I also got a small collection of Nana-pictures that'll get uploaded... sometime. I really don't know. I'm working quite a bit and we're thinking of moving and I'm in aspringcleaningmode so I got alot of stuff on my hands just waiting to get done.

My head is empty now. Bai.

// Grim

måndag 21 mars 2011

Back omg

My back is killing meeeee. D: I made a bunch of striped macarons last night which killed it a bit but then I was called out for work today WHICH KILLED IT EVEN MORE. I also felt brave enough to take a superlong walk right after sooo... Yeah. Movienight it is. Coachpotato-mode is sooo goooood. = w=

// Grim

lördag 19 mars 2011

Deco pics

A small picture frame with goodies.

My chocolate iPhone-case all pimped out.

A couple of lids and magnets just to make use of the leftover silicone and some old decoparts I'm not too fond of anymore.

Not deco but still handmade! I made this darling when I got annoyed by having one of each controller for the consoles taking up space on the table. From left to right pocket: Xbox360, PS3 and Wii. One of each for the moment but I think I could fit two of them in the left and middle one. Don't mind our shabby couch.

Now to start designing something for the new blog~~

// Grim

tisdag 15 mars 2011

Todays harvest

// Grim

Tired but inspired

I'm reallyreally tired. I probably need some blutsaft (a mixture of veggies and fruit) to get some vitamins. It gets like this a couple of times a year; I'm always tired and I get headaches all the time. Usually all I need is a good vitamin and iron-boost since my bloodvalues are shit to start with. :'3 Also I'm really bad at eating fruit and vegetables as is so this is the easier way out... :B

I went shopping this weekend and got alot of interior-stuff. A new mirror for the hallway and new, smaller laundrybaskets which makes it easier for us when laundryday comes knocking since there's three of them marked with different pictures so they're already sorted out when they're thrown in. It's awesome I tell ya!

I also got a note from my dad that he's able to rent the train for his car so I might be able to get a workspace, finally! I want one of these:

It would work so well since I don't have to finish stuff when I can just close the lid on it to keep everything safe from the kitties. I want it now. D:

Anyschmoo, gonna try to make some new deco today (as long as I don't get called out for work) and get some pictures up here. I also need to start choosing a blog for selling all the stuff already made...

OH! I might end up working at an amusement park this summer! :'DDD I would love to do something besides taking care of old people so I'm really excited that they wanted me to call them back for an audition. I hopehopeHOPE I made a good impression.

Until next post!

// Grim

fredag 11 mars 2011

Puella magi Madoka magica

Might just be the darkest magical girl-anime of all times. I seriously thought is was gonna be all about cute girls saving the world with love and pastels but I was really surprised when it took a turn early on. Not at all what I expected but it's really good. All these twists are making my head spin but in a good way. I hope it doesn't go unnoticed by the masses.

I've watched the 10 episodes released and await every new one with great anticipation. According to the web there will only be 12 episodes but that's good since I usually get bored if it's much longer than the regular 12-24 episodes. I've watched like, two or three animes longer than that but they usually stop at 52 episodes and those are necessary to build up a good story to the end. Not like the mainstream series with 300+ episodes where half of them are pointless, fanservice or battles that stretch over three episodes before they're finished. Ah, I love when I find these specks of gold in the ocean of crap~~

// Grim

tisdag 8 mars 2011

Day full of stuff

Shin decided to stay at home tonight so were gonna eat semlor and watch a movie while playing with our respective stuff. I finished most of the things on the list, the stuff left is mostly the things I can't finish without leaving the apartment so they'll have to wait until tomorrow.

In other news, I've got this song stuck on repeat in my head:

Goshdarnit, it's so catchy. D:

// Grim

Lazy doesn't even describe it!!!

Not really. I'm not that lazy, just unmotivated to do anything. I've got all these ideas I wanna try out for the deco, I've got a bunch of games to play (trying to keep a pace of two at a time for now), I have to do alot of jobapplications (preferably two, for tomorrows' job-event-thingy and for leaving at random stores) and I want to take a walk in the great weather. I'm gonna make some kind of schedule right here and now! Most important stuff at the top ofcoss.

Apply for job at the local industry. DONE

Make a general application. DONE

Make an application for stores. (I'll do this later this week since I've been booked for work which means I can't go around applying for anything just yet)

Call some places and ask about money for being sick. DONE

Mail that place I worked for and ask about the mile-coverage. (I'll wait and see instead)

Take an awesome walk! (IT WAS FRIKKING WINDY OUT DAMNIT. Barely made it from the grocery store)

Buy paint for trying out new way to 'bake' cookies (might do this tomorrow as I'm booked for going out anyway).

Reorganize the deco-stuff (got new boxes to fill with cute goodness!).

Start on the store-blog (like THAT will ever happen...).

Make deco and play videogames (might later tonight if Shin's off to play Warhammer).

I need to write these things down since my mind wont accept focusing on one thing at a time. Atleast now I know what I have to do. Starting with the boring stuff, grarrlllb....

// Grim

onsdag 2 mars 2011


I'm gonna keep this really short since I'm so late on playing this through.

Loved the concept and freeroaming. Hated when I had to rely on really worthless combatcommands in situations where the large devastator-attack wouldn't help me since you had to keep one vehicle out of 10 intact. Also they should have made it easier to heal when there's no way in hell you're gonna be left alone while you have to consume 10+ people in succession (if you could find them in the midst of battle).

Overall I liked it but that was mostly due to the awesome design of the monsters and powers and how you could climb just about everything. The missions were shit, like Ivan from Iron Man 2 would say.

And to conclude I'm gonna choose my side even if it's years too late. Prototype or inFAMOUS? inFAMOUS, no doubt.

// Grim

Darn it all!!!

Hi-hi bloggykins!

I'm so disoriented that I logged out of my profile twice before actually writing this. My stomach is acting up aswell so I'm really worried I might've caught the stomach flu at work. ): All except two or three of the oldies had been vomiting and shitting all over the place since the weekend so I was reallyreallyreally not looking forward to working there yesterday. The things you do for cash...

... and now I closed down the window I was writing in. I shouldn't bother writing anything in this condition. = 3=

Anyhow, I've looked up a couple of things for selling stuff while I'm still getting a (very low) allowance from whatever-it's-called and so far I I''ve found out that I can sell my stuff as long as what I make isn't higher than what I get from them. So far so good. I'll probably start out by selling to Sweden only at first but if someone from another country wants something I could always make exceptions.

Right now however I'm just gonna lay back, play on my DS and keep hoping that I wont vomit. I told Shin last night that it's been so long since I last puked so I've probably forgotten how to. :'3 I'm also too stubborn so I'll probably keep it down anyway.


söndag 20 februari 2011

Deco picture-spam

 What's been done in the last couple of weeks:


Round cardboardbox, painted and decorated

For some reason alot of the pictures came out all fuzzy and foggy. .___.

Heartshaped cardboardbox, also painted and decorated.

This one's painted in a slightly darker shade of pink.

Closeup on the lace. It's so pretty, has to buy moar. o 3o

// Grim

fredag 18 februari 2011


I'm gonna show off all the stuff I bought in Stockholm but first, here are the pearls I mentioned in an earlier post:

The ones on the left look like candies~ * 3*.

Moving on to the stuff I bought!

Doilies! I've searched for small ones to use when taking pictures of my deco-stuff for a while so I was all excited when I found these! They're so cute and there are so many of each I can totally throw them away after every use (not that I will but I COULD :'D ).

I also found these cute boxes to decorate. The rhinestones were so pretty and shiny I just couldn't resist them. And the reason why some are missing from the chart is:

TADA! Went a little crazy with my headphones. I hope they'll stay on even though I didn't use any glue save the self adhesive that was on them. Also the headphones are purple and not blueish as the picture makes them out to be.

Found some supercute foam/rubber donuts at a store with lots of fancy children's toys. The woman at the counter told us that they were scented but the only scents we could detect was rubber and glue. = 3=

They were having a sale on my favorite cupcake-shaped jars! Sadly there was only one of the available ones I didn't own already. The plastic sweets were on sale aswell so I got a bunch of them. They're the perfect size to put on your phone or on jewelery. 

I had to get this carrying bag aswell. Just look at that pattern! All of my cute stuff is so going to travel in that one.

I'm such a weeaboo. I can't resist these things! My friend showed me this japanese store and they had so many different sweets it was hard to choose. I finally decided on these. Flower candies at the top left, koala bisquits on top right (chocolate and strawberry flavors, the chocolate ones are already gone... >>>: ), and closest to the camera are some cute food and fruit stickers and pocky with banana and chocolate-flavor.

We also went to this awesome chinese restaurant and had the lunch buffé. Mine mainly consisted of sushi and fried shrimp. I could seriously live off of that alone. We were munching for over an hour at that place, we're such fatties. = w=;;;;

// Grim

måndag 14 februari 2011

Overlord II

Oh codemasters, why do you tease me so?
Yeah, so the second game of overlording offers a great deal of comedy, malice and brutalness. And pandas.

Too bad all of the fun parts got overshaded by how poorly made the rest of the game was. Seriously. If they had atleast put some more effort in making the graphics awesome (or even acceptable) and fix the controls than spewing the game out as fast as possible I might not have felt so forced to play it through. Because it quickly went from playing for fun to playing just to clear the game. I enjoyed the first Overlord but I think one was seeing past the poor graphics (funny thing is the graphics were better in the first... ) and wonky controls since it was quite an early game for the next gens (two years after 360 and the PS3). Big question is, why didn't they fix it the second time around?

Pretty good summary of the game:


// Grim


And so, nothing happened. I never had time or will to sit down and finish that third box last week but I'll make it today. I've got an idea for a small photoframe aswell and I got some cutesy pearls delivered last week and they will look awesome! Got a jar full of small chubby stars in every bright color there is! LOVE THEM! D:

I'm leaving for Stockholm tomorrow to take some time off from work and everything around it. I so need it. Gonna hang out with one awesome poptart of a friend. <<<: EXCITED!

I'm thinking about making a whole new blog completely in english. The categories on this one are totally fail since they're in swedish. :'3 I've also started thinking about how I will go about selling and make my stuff noticed. I really need to get that going, running out of space to keep things here! CROWDED!

Also, I want to move. Badly. Not so much from the area (it's awesome having the grocery store next door) but for the apartment. Ours is friggin shaggy. The wallpapers are starting to come loose, the floors are damaged and bleached and there is practiacally no isolation whatsoever. They haven't fixed anything for a good 20 years which is why we pay a much cheaper rent. But now I can totally go for paying for something awesome instead of something "meh, it'll do".


// Grim

måndag 7 februari 2011


Naah, never. I was working the whole weekend again (can't say no now that I've got the employment service nibbling at my heels) so not much time to craft. I did get two of the three boxes done but now Shin brought the big camera with him to England so I can't take pictures of them. <.< Maybe I'll upload them anyway with my Iphonecamera, we'll see.

// Grim

onsdag 2 februari 2011

o 3o

Haha, I was going to do lots of deco this weekend but work told me otherwise. I went from having 6h of work to 16h, working between 15.00 on Saturday to 07.00 on Sunday. Then I did another night Sunday-Monday. Totally dead after that. Now I was going to start on some new boxes but apparently the glue we had disappeared. Frack. >:

So not much right now. Later this week maybe.


onsdag 26 januari 2011


I'mma try this in english since it appears that there are folks from all around the world visiting. I might not do every single post in english though, it all comes down to what I'm writing about and how I'm feeling in the moment of writing. And there will probably be mistakes. Deal with it.

// Grim

Ask och annat skoj

Hoppsan, var fett längesen jag uppdaterade med lite pyssel. Det mesta hamnar på Bilddagboken men inte mer. :'3

Börjar med en pappask som jag målat, lackat och sedan dekorerat skiten ur. Min fina Buttercup-figur får också vara med.


Macarons till detaljer. Ska sättas stenar på de stora också.

Mellanstora macarons till hängsmycken.

Ljuset blev skitdåligt på dessa bilder men man märker av stjärnfiltret på flera av bilderna iallafall. <: Köpte ett sånt och ett macrolinsset för en billig peng och de är assum. Måste bara ordna bättre fotomöjlligheter vad gäller bakgrund och ljus.

// Grim

tisdag 25 januari 2011

Little Big Planet 2

Spelade precis klart storymode på LBP2 och det var minst lika underbart som första. Alla vapen man kunde ha var asroliga (muffingeväret blev en klar favorit) och det var urkul att spela flera då det kunde hända precis vadsomhelst närsomhelst. Riddjuren var fett skojjiga att leka runt med också. Karaktärerna som följde en mot slutstriden var också riktigt bra gjorda, Larry DaVinci blev en stor favorit. :'3
Enda klagomålet jag har är att för mig verkade inte kontrollerna svara ordentligt och det var många gånger man skulle hoppa och det inte hände något. Det och att när man hoppar så hoppar man automatiskt upp på nivån i bakgrunden om den finns och det påpekade jag redan när de nämnde i spelet att man kunde det att det skulle bli fett irriterande. Automatiska rörelser är så gott som alltid dåliga...

Kort och konsist, men har man spelat första Little Big Planet så vet man precis hur allt annat i tvåan är.

// Grim

måndag 24 januari 2011


Sist och minst är Nana!

Tjockis på balkongen

Nana kommer, som jag skrev i Nimbus inlägg, också från katthemmets jourhem. Det som gjorde att vi föll för henne på bild var att hon såg ut som en liten snöleopard för hon såg så ljus ut i pälsen som liten. Det var nära att vi inte fick henne då det var någon som hade visat intresse före oss men det visade sig att personen hade ångrat sig. <:

Nana 4 veckor gammal

Titta på de små prupptassarna! <333 Hon var så söt när vi var till jourhemmet och skulle plocka upp dem för när jag fyllde i kontraktet så smög hon upp bredvid mig och satte sig alldeles intill och kollade vad jag höll på med. ; U;

Nana är den värsta kelgrisen någonsin. Hon ska vara med överallt och verkligen pressar sig in under händer och armar för att man ska kela med henne. Om man ignorerar henne (speciellt när man ska sova) så lägger hon sig ner, stirrar på en och sträcker ut tassen och petar en i ansiktet! <.< Om man fortsätter att ignorera så åker klorna ut så då är det bäst att ge henne lite kel, i alla fall om man inte vill vakna med fyra klor i läppen.

Påskatt deluxe

Hon älskar allt som har med påsar och kartonger att göra. IKEA's blå kassar är en stor favorit så varje gång vi tvättar måste vi ha extra koll så att inte Nana följer med ner i källaren av misstag (haha MISStag...). Kartonger ska hon alltid sitta på. Så fort det kommer in en ny kartong eller låda av något slag i lägenheten så är Nana där på tre röda och sätter sig uppepå och ser allmänt supernöjd ut.

Nana var den första katten som vi kastrerade och hon mådde även sämst. Tror att den veterinären vi var tvungna att gå till inte riktigt visste hur man mäter narkosen. <.< Jag filmade fyllenana då hon såg fett rolig ut när hon kravlade runt på golvet. :'3

Utöver detta så älskar Nana att vara ute på balkongen. Hon är även den enda av katterna som varit utomhus i koppel men det var ingen höjdare då hon var mest rädd för hela upplevelsen. Hon är även proffs på att lägga sig på knepiga ställen.

Nana i det gröna

Nana i badkaret

Nana i skåpet


// Grim